FGC Resources Library We are pleased to offer a free on-line resource center with important information you need to know.
Applied Knowledge is Power. It is critical for you to develop a plan to protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets from the catastrophic consequences of a long term care illness. If you do not plan ahead, the burden of providing emotional, physical or financial assistance for your care will fall upon your loved ones.
The impact of not planning for long term care now could be devastating for all. One of the best things you can do right now for you and your family is to get a care plan. Doing so allows you to participate in making decisions and ensures your family won't be forced to make them for you in a crisis situation.
Featured Download
The Official U.S. Government Handbook from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is the most comprehensive and up-to-date publication available. This free 160 page summery is a publication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services of Medicare and covers benefits, coverage decisions, rights and protections, as well as giving answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare.
Download: Medicare and You 2016 (PDF; 5.9m)As people grow older, they should begin to make plans for later years. It is important to think about retirement and those activities you would like to pursue. It is important also to think about the possibility that, at some time, you or a loved one might require some help with ordinary everyday activities or need care over an extended period.
Download: Long Term Care Needs (PDF; 162k)
Building wealth is not the only reason for good financial planning. Protecting the wealth you have already accumulated is also essential to the financial well-being of your family.
Download: Protecting Your Wealth (PDF; 125k)
A "Lady Bird" deed offers a simple way to transfer real estate at your death, without probate. It is a legal document that protects a family’s homestead from potential efforts of the State of Texas to recover Medicaid expenditures paid out on behalf of a loved one.
Use this checklist when comparing the provisions of different insurance policies offering nursing home and long term care benefits. After filling in the particulars of the different policies, you can compare them to help determine which policy is best for you.
Download: LTC Insurance Checklist (PDF; 110k)
Anticipating the need for long term nursing home care is crucial to protecting a lifetime’s accumulation of assets from the high costs of nursing home stays. However, many people remain financially unprepared when a nursing home stay becomes a reality.
Download: Long Term Care Myths (PDF; 125k)
Garry Manitzis discusses the difficulty in getting his elderly mother and step-father Medicaid qualified while considering care outside the home.
In most age groups, the likelihood of disability - being incapacitated due to illness or accident - is greater than the likelihood of death. For younger people, disability insurance is used to protect their greatest asset: the ability to earn an income.
Download: Disability & LTC Statistics (PDF; 155k)The decision to place an elderly relative in a nursing home is always difficult for a family. For the patient, a nursing home represents a frightening loss of independence and abandonment by family and friends. For the family, the decision creates feelings of guilt, even when they can no longer care for the elderly relative.
Download: Selecting a Nursing Home (PDF; 120k)