FGC Family Confidence Solution: Plan ahead, starting today, to be prepared for a long-term care crisis.
The cost of long-term care has many families concerned about their financial future. Families often find themselves having to spend all of their life savings to pay for extended care for a loved one. Guidelines allow the state to take homes to recover Medicaid expenditures. Medicaid is a program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid also offers benefits not normally covered by Medicare, like nursing home care and personal care services. Medicare will usually pay a maximum of 100 days of rehab in a long-term care facility. The family then becomes responsible for all expenses.

- 01. THE DISCOVERY PHASE Determine what’s important to the client and discuss care options.
- 02. THE DEVELOP GAME PLAN Goals: proposal and agreement. Deliver written recommendations.
- 03. THE DOCUMENT COLLECTION Providing guidance and checklists for the collection of all time-sensitive documents.
- 04. THE ORGANIZE ESTATE Our professionally guided asset positioning process; checklist of all actions required; peace of mind knowing it’s done right.
- 05. THE LEGAL REVIEW Lady Bird Deeds, Qualified Income Trusts, Deeds; Confidence that all forms, documents, and applications are complete properly.
- 06. THE DOCUMENTS AUDIT Confidence knowing all work is performed by experienced former State Medicaid workers; avoiding mistakes that cost time and money
- 07. THE PRIORITY SUBMISSION All application are submitted after being audited and completed.
- 08. THE APPROVAL FOLLOW-UP Letter from State showing approval; peace of mind and relief.
It's best to talk about long term care early — before the need for medical or personal care is imminent. MayoClinic.com
Long-term care is a term used to describe home and community-based services for adults who need help taking care of themselves. If you're considering long-term care options for yourself, a parent or another loved one, start the research and discussions early. If you wait, an injury or illness might force your hand — leading to a hasty decision that might not be best in the long run.
One of the best things you can do right now for you and your family is get legal, financial and care plans in place. Doing so allows you to participate in making decisions and ensures your family won't be forced to make them for you in a crisis situation.
Protecting AssetsNo matter what your age, if you have assets, you need to make smart decisions about how to protect them. "Assets" include: Any type of savings, Real Estate, Retirement Accounts, Collectibles, a Business, and Life Insurance.